2015년 3월 14일 토요일

BitClub Mining Video Tour


BREAKING NEWS: BIG Mining Pool Boost
Date: March 13th 

BitClub is excited to announce our largest purchase of mining equipment to date. With this new order we are almost doubling our power which will result in a very nice boost in daily payouts. But even more exciting, this boost will allow us to begin fully branding our pool so that every block mined will be easy to identify from BitClub Network.

Here's why this is such BIG NEWS... 

Right now our mining power is actually being spread out across several different pools in order to provide a consistent daily return for our members. If we were solo mining into our own pool with our existing hashing power you would see the amount of Bitcoin jump up on days when we hit blocks and pay zero when no blocks were hit. 

This would cause a very inconsistent payout which is not ideal for what we are trying to do. In fact, this is actually why mining pools were created in the first place to give everyone a steady ROI by sharing equally in all Bitcoin mined and spreading out the risk of not hitting any blocks.

Being spread out like this is ideal when you are a small mining operation, however as we grow bigger we don't need to spread our risk out because the variance gets smaller with the more hashing power we have. 

And with this new purchase we just hit a very big milestone!

BitClub Network will now have more than 1% of the ENTIRE Bitcoin mining power in existence. This means we have enough power to solo-mine to our own pool node and it means we will be officially recognized on blockchain. It's always been a goal to hit this 1% because we can be fully branded rather than showing up as an "unknown" pool or being identified by an IP address.

This is a BIG DEAL! and you will see our name showing up on this chart - https://blockchain.info/pools

When will this happen?

You can expect this to happen in the next 5-7 days as we set up and re-point all of our power to our own pool. There might be some delay depending on when BlockChain and Coinbase will officially recognize us and update their records, but we have already started the process to be identified with both of them. 

Once our pool is recognized and we are showing on the chart above you will see every block that we mine stamped with BitClub Network. This will not only provide undeniable proof and verification of our mining, but it will give us amazing exposure within the Bitcoin world. Each block will be recorded in the blockchain forever and we can link directly to EVERY BLOCK MINED by our pool.

We know it's taken awhile to get here and although we expected to be sharing these details with you months ago, this industry is growing fast and it's so unpredictable that all we can do is stick to our plan. We will continue to focus on our core development and promotion because the plan is not to be a 1% pool, we want to be a 2%, then 5% and hopefully hit 10% by the end of the year.

There is no way we can do any of this without you! We have such great leaders in this company who continue to believe in what we are doing and work around the clock to promote and grow this network. You know who you are and while our company will never be about recognition we will always be about appreciation.

Thanks for being a BitClub Network member, we appreciate all of you so much for making this dream possible! 

-BCN Support Team 

2015년 2월 11일 수요일

PI Galaxy


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Daily Profit Share from Bitcoin Mining Pools

BitClub Network Offers a Daily Profit Share from Bitcoin Mining Pools

Bitcoin, a revolution in digital currency, is taking over the online investment scene. Today, more than 12 million bitcoins are in existence and this number is only going increase given the demand; creating new avenues for home based business via digital currency mining.
Bitclub Network’s (BCN) main thrust is to educate everyone about one of the newest ways to earn passive income… through digital currency mining pools.
“We don’t just forecast passive income here, our program will combine active growth and participation as well,” says Chad Hershey, company representative. Successful mining is about maintaining the block chain and verifying each transaction.
Everything will be automated, using specialized software to solve difficult math problems and issuing a certain numbers of bitcoins in exchange. USD bitcoin exchange prices differ day-today and as of this writing, current high is pegged at $250.77. Predictions for this digital currency are unanimously positive. Some financial experts say that facebook may adapt it to enable remittance along with enabling peer-to-peer money transfers.
Experts have also predicted that every e-commerce point-of-sale will soon accept BitCoin; major money remittance companies such as MoneyGram and Western Union could possibly close shop; and that the current exchange highs will soon hit $1000 levels in just a span of a few years.
“Looking at all these bullish predictions, it would be very hard for one to lose with BCN. Our mining pools allow members earn as much as 50-70% (profits & mining shares) with just the use of their own computer, internet connection, basic computer skills and their own bitcoin account,” adds Hershey.
Their system is referral based, which allows everyone to work together to help leverage newly created bitcoins back into the mining operations, assisting in paying daily profits to the members.

DatSyn News - BitClub Network Offers a Daily Profit Share from Bitcoin M...


Crypto Strategy Limited (cryptostrategy.net) Presentation


Activating BitClub Network with Bitcoin!


2015년 2월 8일 일요일

** NEW ** Bitclub Network Lead The Bitcoin Revolution

BitClub Network is a category creator in that it is the combining the very lucrative field of Bitcoin and other Crypto/Digital Currency Mining with the home business industry.

There are currently over 400 Crypto/Digital Currencies. You can now purchase gift cards with Bitcoins to shop with top retailers like Amazon, Sears, Home Depot, CVS Pharmacy and much more.

The Crypto/Digital Currency World is where the internet was 15 years ago. Everyone has heard of Digital Currency (namely Bitcoins) but very few are positioned to take advantage of this global phenomena. 

This is where BitClub Network and it's powerhouse team, BitClub Network Pro come into play. 

Through BitClub Network you will be able to participate in mining pools. One huge part of the ecosystem of Digital Currencies is through what is referred to as mining.

As a participant in a mining pool you are essentially purchasing computing power. To mine in the Crypto world requires massive computer power and speed. The more powerful the computers and speed, the more money the mine can make. 

As a participant in the mine, you essentially purchase computer power that allows the mine to become more and more profitable. The mining pool in turn shares a portion of its revenue with all participants in the mining pool. 

This is not new. One of the top mining pools in the world has over 250,000 participants and has mined 445,000+ Bitcoins. As of this writing, one Bitcoin is worth $525. So this one mine has generated what would be worth over 223 MILLION in US Dollars worth of Bitcoin at the $525 value.

Now this is where participation on mining pools are exciting. With your capital outlay you purchase computing power for the mine. The mine in turn pays a portion of its revenue with all pool participants.

What makes BitClub Network so special and unique is its pool participants are paid for a period of 1,000 days. Imagine purchasing participation in one of three mining pools and as a result you are able to earn for 1,000 days even if you do not have a list.

BitClub Network is poised and positioned to become one of if not the top mines in the Crypto/Digital Currency mining world. But this is just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

Make sure you lock in your spot today with BitClub Network by connecting with the top leader, on top team of BitClub Network.


카랏바 소개 (karatbar introduction)



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Have you heard about the “We Share Success” (WSS) Company Sharing Phenomenon?
WSS is giving away REAL COMPANY SHARES at ZERO cost just for joining the team.
WSS is the first Global Company that shares its success with the members. 
WSS is backed by a multi-million dollar successful Internet Company.
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Main. page

Have you heard about the “We Share Success” (WSS) Company Sharing Phenomenon?
WSS is giving away REAL COMPANY SHARES at ZERO cost just for joining the team.
WSS is the first Global Company that shares its success with the members. 
WSS is backed by a multi-million dollar successful Internet Company.
What’s in it for you?
Receive 10 REAL company sharesas a welcome bonus. Registration is F-R-E-E.
Receive 5 REAL company shares for each new member you invite to unlimited width.
Receive 5 REAL company shares for each member they invite 5 generations deep.
*Receive Monthly Profit Share after Launch.
*Trade Your Shares After IPO at Official Stock Exchanges orReceive Dividends after IPO.
Watch this 2 minute video now:
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I look forward to a long and prosperous business relationship with you.

2015년 1월 29일 목요일

CRYPTOSTRATEGY Revolutionary way to earn Bitcoin

Cryptocurrencies are a real economic breakthrough that revolutionized the world of electronic currencies, and formed a unique and invulnerable monetary system. Millions of people around the world are engaged in the improvement of digital currencies, progressive mining, and investing in cryptocurrencies. CryptoStrategy Limited makes successful attempts to unite the efforts of enthusiasts in the field of cryptocurrencies mining. The company also wants to create favorable conditions for the earnings of people who are far from computer technology, but who constantly try following the innovative processes and extract economic benefits.

The company offers favorable conditions for investment to maximize income from mining and cryptocurrency trading. The company's specialists have developed a system that generates revenue every day to ensure its stability. CryptoStrategy Limited strategy is quite simple and accessible to everyone. We focus on high profits and make every effort to be a competitive participant in the high-tech market of digital currencies. In order to ensure consistent profits and guarantee the safety of our investors` funds the company has already been engaged in mining. Thereby it supports the actual size of the stabilization fund. Even in the case of direct losses, we are ready to fulfill all obligations and make all payments under the terms of our investment program. Please note that all our funds are totally protected. Investing with CryptoStrategy Limited is easy, profitable, and perfectly safe. Become our customer to obtain a guaranteed profit every day.


Un passivo in Bitcoin che ti può cambiare la vita con BitClub Network


CRYPTOSTRATEGY Revolutionary way to earn Bitcoin


cryptostrategy WithDraw


2015년 1월 25일 일요일

cryptostrategy WithDraw


Our Funds

 CryptoStrategy Limited offers a win-win strategy of investing. You can select either one or multiple investment plans to place your funds using any of the available electronic currencies. To create a deposit you do not need to invite anyone. You can register by yourself (without a referral link).
First of all, the company offers investment, which is guaranteed to bring you a daily profit in such plans as Crypto Bronze, Crypto Silver, and Crypto Gold. There you can withdraw money immediately after charging using your billing information and the payment processor, which was used as a tool of the deposit.
Depending on the size of your investment, every day you will be charged 3% to 4% of the profits for 90 calendar days, your principal will be returned at the end of the investment period.
To increase your profits, you can use the settings of compounding. This means that your daily accrual (in whole or part thereof) will be reinvested and will increase your actual deposit.
You can also take advantage of the investment plans for profit, including your deposit at the end of one-time fee: Crypto Pro, Crypto Max, and Crypto CEO. In this case, your income can range from 750% to 1000% in just 75 days! The final amount will be credited to your inner balance at the end of the investment plan. It may be withdrawn at any time, or used as a new deposit.
CryptoStrategy Limited makes all payouts manually. According to regulations, the deadline for payment is 12 hours, but usually it takes no more than 5-15 minutes.
The minimum deposit for participation in the investment program CryptoStrategy Limited is just $50. In the FAQ section you can always read the rules of the establishment and management of deposits. If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer support that works around the clock.


Investment Offer
Investment TermDaily for 90 daysDaily for 90 daysDaily for 90 daysAfter 75 daysAfter 75 daysAfter 75 days
Minimum Deposit$ 50$ 5000$ 10000$ 50$ 5000$ 10000
Maximum Deposit$4999$9999$4999$9999
CompoundingAvailableAvailableAvailableNot availableNot availableNot available
PrincipalReturn BackReturn BackReturn BackPrincipal IncludedPrincipal IncludedPrincipal Included


Q: How much does it cost to join? A: The joining fee to be placed into our program is a one-time payment of US$10! Q: I don't know how to promote A: There are many free tools such as traffic exchange programs, social media etc available for everybody. Q: What If I have more than 1 person join via my link? A: They will be placed in the next available spot within our matrix and you will be paid $200 for EACH person that joined via YOUR referral link when they have completed their 2 Levels! Q: Is your program free to join? A: Yes and you have 48 hours to take a look around - then upgrade your membership or your account will be deleted, we have enough experience to know that FREE to join programs attract a lot of 'free loaders' and 'tire kickers'. They then sit back and expect other people to do the work for them! Q: Which payment processors does BTC Matrix use? A: We use Bitcoins payment, SolidTrustPay and Payza. More information about how to get started and all the basics you need to understand about Bitcoin, you can find Here Q: Will there be spillover? A: Most likely, depending on the sponsoring efforts of your up-line. We are using a COMPANY forced matrix and therefor everybody that joins will be placed in the next allocated spot within our structure! Q: Is BTC Matrix legal? A: In order for any program to be legal, it is required to supply a service and/or product to you, the member! ALL members will receive text ad and banner credits to display your own ads throughout our network of sites for all to see as well as exclusive offers. Q: How can you afford to make a payout of $5000? A: The problem with most matrix programs is that they are paying out more than what they receive, resulting eventually in the program folding and running with your money. We have kept the payouts to a minimum on the first Level, then do a large payout on Level 2. Q: When will I get paid? A: Once your account balance reaches $10, you can request a withdrawal to your Bitcoin Wallet or STP/Payza account from inside your back office! Q: Can we use Banners and/or Splash pages? A: Yes you can and you should! Q: Can I join without a sponsor? A: NO, the join process requires a specifically coded referral link. However you can register your interest by sending us a message using the Contact Us page, this will place you on our waiting list and you will be given a link to join as soon as a position becomes available! Q: Can I have multiple accounts? A: No, only 1 account per person, however, your partner/spouse or any other family member can join us using the same IP address, make sure to use a different Email address for each account! Q: What about refunds? A: NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR DIGITALLY DELIVERED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DUE TO THEIR INTANGIBLE NATURE! If you decide to terminate your membership in the future or change your mind AFTER you paid your fee, your fee will NOT be refunded. If we decide to discontinue our service you will not receive a refund of you membership fee. Please keep in mind that due to the REAL TIME earning nature of BCM, there can be NO REFUNDS after your payment. Each occasion a matrix position is purchased, members are cycling immediately. You are advised to keep this in mind when making your purchases. Q: Is my personal information protected with your company? A: Any personal information that you provide to any of our businesses are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone! Q: Why has my account been deleted? A: All FREE accounts are deleted after 48 hours! Accounts may be deleted without warning due to inappropriate behavior (SPAM Complaints) and abuse towards other members and/or the administration of BTC Matrix! Q: My question is not answered here. A: Please use the Contact Us page to send us your question and our support staff will answer as soon as possible!


1What is CryptoStrategy Limited?
CryptoStrategy Limited is a registered company from United Kingdom that offers private clients investing into high profit business process optimization, as well as deals on mining and buying/selling cryptocurrencies.
2Is CryptoStrategy Limited an officially registered company?
Yes, CryptoStrategy Limited is officially registered in United Kingdom and works under its jurisdiction.
3Where is your company's headquarters?
CryptoStrategy Limited s is located in Halifax, UK. The company offers a virtual system of registering and exchanging money, that's why our work involves client interactions online. We are interested in constant growth, which is why we are doing everything possible to organize offline interactions involving regional headquarters and regional representatives.
4Can I lose money investing in CryptoStrategy Limited?
By investing your money in CryptoStrategy Limited you agree that your funds will be used in speculative high-profit transactions that carry investment risk. By making a decision of creating a deposit you are taking the responsibility on how you are evaluating the degree of these risks, as well as how you will use the investing offer of our company.


1Where does CryptoStrategy Limited invest into?
CryptoStrategy Limited organizes fund investing into Bitcoin mining, as well as speculative deals in undervalued cryptocurrency market.
2So, is CryptoStrategy Limited something like a financial pyramid?
No, it isn't. CryptoStrategy Limited offers its investors investing into strategies that have been proven over many years of work. Our company really uses the money received from investors in high-profit processes: crypto mining and digital currency trading.
3I understand everything but where is the guarantee that this is not just another trick and that you won't disappear with all my money one day?
It’s important to understand that CryptoStrategy Limited is an officially registered company that is located in United Kingdom jurisdiction and follows the laws of this country. We are also tied by our obligations and reporting to banks and other financial institutions.
4I took part in many HYIP that have also promised high profits, but disappeared with my money. How can I be sure that this will not happen with CryptoStrategy Limited?
CryptoStrategy Limited functions as a result of having the process that confirms its effectiveness in action. The Company doesn't use high income to cover up the investor funds redistribution by paying to new investors of funds from old investor funds. We offer profitability that practically can’t be imitated by these machinations.
5How long are you planning to stay in this business?
CryptoStrategy Limited is a long-life company. We are trying to become a reliable partner for our clients, and we don't have the plans to leave the business field, in which we have effective income and good results.
6Where can I find reviews about CryptoStrategy Limited investment activities or just to communicate with your other clients?
You can find this information on our website pages. In order to communicate directly with us, you will be able to visit popular investment forums.
7I would like to make money with CryptoStrategy Limited, but I don't have the necessary amount of money for making a deposit. How can I start?
The easiest way to make money with CryptoStrategy Limited is attracting new member on a site. You can use your referral link and earn commission from three-level program. It's not necessary to have active deposit for that.
8What is compounding and how it works?
Using the compounding option means that you instruct the given payment processor to automatically reinvest a certain percentage of your daily payouts back into your active investment total.
9Which investment plans allow setting compounding?
You can set the compounding in such plans like Crypto Bronze, Crypto Silver, and Crypto Gold.


1Who can open an account in CryptoStrategy Limited?
Any citizen of any country who has reached the age of 18 years old can open up an account in CryptoStrategy Limited.
2How can I create an account in CryptoStrategy Limited?
In order to create an account in CryptoStrategy Limited you will have to go to the registration page and fill a short form.
3How much does it cost to open up an account in CryptoStrategy Limited?
Opening an account is absolutely free. This procedure takes only a few minutes. We need a minimum amount of data from you.
4Can I open several accounts on CryptoStrategy Limited at the same time?
Sure, you can have as many accounts as you wish.
5Can several people register in CryptoStrategy Limited and use one computer and same IP-address for work?
Yes, family members and work colleagues who have accounts in CryptoStrategy Limited can use one computer and same IP-address.
6How can I invest in CryptoStrategy Limited?
You can invest using PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin or by exchanging the money that you have transferred due to the recommended exchange points from a SWIFT or Western Union.
7I forgot my account password for CryptoStrategy Limited. How can I restore it?
Please, use the password restoration page and follow further instructions.
8How can I change the password for my account in CryptoStrategy Limited?
In order to change the password you should go to your account profile in CryptoStrategy Limited and put in the necessity data.
9I successfully registered but can’t log into my account. What should I do?
To get started, try to use the password recovery form. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions. If there is not a letter for a long time, look it up in the spam folder. If the e-mail still has not come, contact the technical support in the "Contacts" section describing the problem and providing your username in the project.


1What ways of refilling and taking the money out are in CryptoStrategy Limited?
You can refill your account and take the money out of CryptoStrategy Limited using a bank transfer, PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin
2How can I open an account in Perfect Money?
In order to open an account in Perfect Money, you need to go to the registration page in the payment system  http://perfectmoney.com/?drgn=1 and follow the instructions.
3How can I open an account in EgoPay?
In order to open an account in EgoPay, you need to go to the registration page in the payment system https://www.egopay.com/sign-up and follow the instructions.
4How can I open an account in Bitcoin?
In order to open an account in SolidTrustPay, you need to go on the registration page in the payment system https://blockchain.info/wallet and follow the instructions.
5How can I open an account in Payeer?
In order to open an account in Payeer, you need to go to the Home page in the payment systemhttp://payeer.com/en/ and press SIGN UP button.
6How can I invest in CryptoStrategy Limited using Bank Wire Transfer or Western Union?
You can invest using your credit card, Bank Wire or Western Union via Payeer.com
7How to make a deposit?
To create a deposit, go to "Deposit" section, select a payment system with the help of which you are going to make the payment, specify the amount of investment, choose the appropriate plan and the percentage of compounding. When the payment is complete you will have a deposit in your account.
8How fast is my money transferred to my account in CryptoStrategy Limited?
Refilling the account by using PerfectMoney, EgoPay, Payeer, Bitcoin happens right away. A bank transfer can take up to 5 working days (usually 2-3 days) and depends on the conditions of the exchange service that you've picked.
9What is the minimum or the maximum amount of money to withdraw from CryptoStrategy Limited?
There are no limitations about the minimum or the maximum number of operations and/or referral payment in CryptoStrategy Limited. You can make a request to withdraw any amount that is accessible on your account balance.
10How fast can I withdraw money out of CryptoStrategy Limited?
Withdrawals are processed INSTANTLY, there is no need to wait.
11Is there a fee for depositing or withdrawing money from CryptoStrategy Limited?
There aren't any fees (even hidden) for depositing or withdrawing funds using PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin.
12Can I invest in CryptoStrategy Limited using one payment processor, but withdraw the money later through another one?
No, you can’t. You can withdraw the same currency that you have deposited. This is the same for the referral payment.


1How much as minimum I should invest?
Minimal volumes of investments in CryptoStrategy Limited are 50$
2What is the maximum amount of money I can invest?
We have no limits on the amount of the deposit, you can invest any.
3I have invested money in CryptoStrategy Limited. When I can get my first income?
You can get your income on the next day after creating deposit in Crypto Bronze, Crypto Silver, and Crypto Gold plans.
4Can I whether increase the size of actual deposit?
No. The size of existing deposit can’t be changed. You may invest additional resources, and thus create the new deposit. Each deposit is treated separately.
5What is the profit adding schedule in CryptoStrategy Limited?
Our company income is charging every day, including weekends and holidays.
6What is the payouts schedule in CryptoStrategy Limited?
Payments take place every day, at any time.
7Where can I read the full investment offer of CryptoStrategy Limited?
Under Our Funds section you can get full information about the investment plans.


1What referral system does CryptoStrategy Limited offer?
CryptoStrategy Limited offers a three-level partnership marketing program. You receive money for each deposit that has been made by a person who has registered by your unique link. Our partnership marketing program is a no-risk strategy to get good and stable profit in CryptoStrategy Limited.
2Who is allowed to take part in CryptoStrategy Limited partnership program?
Any registered user on CryptoStrategy Limited website can take part in our partnership program.
3What is a referral link and how can I use it?
Your partner referral link is in your user menu. It's generated after the registration and is accessible to you only. Giving it to your friends to look at it or publishing it in social networks, you are inviting potential investors with the help of an identifier that allows you to fix these investor registrations if it happens.
4What commission will I get if my referrals make a deposits in CryptoStrategy Limited?
You get 5% of the deposit amount that was made by your referral of first level. Referral commission of 2th level is 3%, 3th level gets 2% commission and 4th and 5th levels – 1%.
5Where is my referral commission shown?
The referral commission will be added to your personal account in CryptoStrategy Limited right after your referral makes a purchase. It will be shown as available for withdrawing balance.
6Can I promote CryptoStrategy Limited without investing in it?
Yes, you can do that. Still, a great proof of your successful cooperation with the project for your referrals will be creating a deposit in CryptoStrategy Limited.
7Can I refer myself to CryptoStrategy Limited?
Sure, feel free..
8How fast is the referral commission deposited on the account?
The referral commission will be deposited on your account in CryptoStrategy Limited right after your referral of any level creates a deposit. This amount can be withdrawn right away on your payment system!
9The person got registered by my partner link, but I cannot see him in my referrals.
Make sure that he has opened an account in CryptoStrategy Limited using your link, and that you have been identified in his personal profile. If he has done so, please, consult the service support to check this.
10Where can I find referrals?
You can look for referrals not only in your social network, but in the global network through regular socializing in theme forums and information sites. If you don't have a list of potential clients, you can follow the recommendations of investor forums. In the end, you can turn to the support services of CryptoStrategy Limited.
11How can I become a regional representative of CryptoStrategy Limited?
To qualify as a regional representative, you need to submit the appropriate application to the website administration. There must be your contact information:
1) Your first and last name.
2) The country of residence, where you wish to become a representative, and the language of your communication.
3) Your username on the official website of the company.
4) Your contact details: phone number, Skype and the URL of your page in a social network.
After matching your candidacy, these data together with your referral link will be added to the section "Regional representatives."
12What are the benefits to me as a regional representative?
When you're a regional representative then your referral commission of the first level will be 12% instead of the regular 5%.
13Can I use spam to find referrals?
No, it is forbidden. If you use spam your account will be blocked.