2015년 3월 14일 토요일

BitClub Mining Video Tour


BREAKING NEWS: BIG Mining Pool Boost
Date: March 13th 

BitClub is excited to announce our largest purchase of mining equipment to date. With this new order we are almost doubling our power which will result in a very nice boost in daily payouts. But even more exciting, this boost will allow us to begin fully branding our pool so that every block mined will be easy to identify from BitClub Network.

Here's why this is such BIG NEWS... 

Right now our mining power is actually being spread out across several different pools in order to provide a consistent daily return for our members. If we were solo mining into our own pool with our existing hashing power you would see the amount of Bitcoin jump up on days when we hit blocks and pay zero when no blocks were hit. 

This would cause a very inconsistent payout which is not ideal for what we are trying to do. In fact, this is actually why mining pools were created in the first place to give everyone a steady ROI by sharing equally in all Bitcoin mined and spreading out the risk of not hitting any blocks.

Being spread out like this is ideal when you are a small mining operation, however as we grow bigger we don't need to spread our risk out because the variance gets smaller with the more hashing power we have. 

And with this new purchase we just hit a very big milestone!

BitClub Network will now have more than 1% of the ENTIRE Bitcoin mining power in existence. This means we have enough power to solo-mine to our own pool node and it means we will be officially recognized on blockchain. It's always been a goal to hit this 1% because we can be fully branded rather than showing up as an "unknown" pool or being identified by an IP address.

This is a BIG DEAL! and you will see our name showing up on this chart - https://blockchain.info/pools

When will this happen?

You can expect this to happen in the next 5-7 days as we set up and re-point all of our power to our own pool. There might be some delay depending on when BlockChain and Coinbase will officially recognize us and update their records, but we have already started the process to be identified with both of them. 

Once our pool is recognized and we are showing on the chart above you will see every block that we mine stamped with BitClub Network. This will not only provide undeniable proof and verification of our mining, but it will give us amazing exposure within the Bitcoin world. Each block will be recorded in the blockchain forever and we can link directly to EVERY BLOCK MINED by our pool.

We know it's taken awhile to get here and although we expected to be sharing these details with you months ago, this industry is growing fast and it's so unpredictable that all we can do is stick to our plan. We will continue to focus on our core development and promotion because the plan is not to be a 1% pool, we want to be a 2%, then 5% and hopefully hit 10% by the end of the year.

There is no way we can do any of this without you! We have such great leaders in this company who continue to believe in what we are doing and work around the clock to promote and grow this network. You know who you are and while our company will never be about recognition we will always be about appreciation.

Thanks for being a BitClub Network member, we appreciate all of you so much for making this dream possible! 

-BCN Support Team