2014년 10월 16일 목요일

Bitcoin Cycler Complan

Todd Hirsch and Mike Lavoie have teamed up to create a 2x3 Cycler involving Bitcoins. 
Join the Powerhouse Team to gather wealth for Kingdom building purposes.
New affiliates are funneled in through the bottom of the matrix, with the top position being the pay position.

Once a BitCoin Cycler 2×3 matrix is full, the top position gets paid and the matrix splits. Thus the two positions that were previously on the second level of the matrix are now top positions on two “new” matrices.

These two new matrices now have eight empty positions on their third level, which again need to be filled before the top position is paid out on (referred to as a “cycle”).

In addition to receiving a commission, the top position is also re-entered into the bottom of an existing 2×3 matrix (typically following the affiliate who recruited them).

This process repeats itself over and over again, slowly pushing newly created positions to the top of their own 2×3 matrix.

If a BitCoin Cycler affiliate recruits two or more affiliates, they can “jump” over other affiliates who have not met this requirement when a matrix board splits.

When a pay position in a BitCoin Cycler cycles out of a matrix, the affiliate who owns the position is paid $1000. They are also provided with a $250 investment in Mike Lavoie’s SkyCoin Lab scheme (advertised daily ROIs) and re-entered at the bottom of an existing matrix.
For more info go to http://www.bitcoincycler.net/globalbuup

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